Monday, May 2, 2016

Week 5 EOC: Social Networks and Job Hunting

"While I wish every company used Monster, social is a solution that many people are using"

Light, Joe. "Recruiters Troll Facebook for Candidates They Like." The Wall Street Journal. N.p., n.d. Web.

"To say Apple is hot just doesn't do the company justice"

"Life Comes at You Fast"

Armstrong, Gary, and Philip Kotler. Marketing: An Introduction. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2000. Print.

Reading this article was another reinsurance that it is about networking and who you know when it comes to landing a job. The article stated that candidates tend to value referrals from their connections on Facebook more than reaching out to someone new by LinkedIn or any other job searching website. This also showed that social media is not only dominating in marketing, political views, and so on, but also in job hunting. In today’s digital age social media is everywhere and almost everyone is on it. With companies posting on twitter, Facebook, and or Instagram they know their postings will be seen, that including’s post about hiring and or job fairs. The article stated that in addition to posting jobs and videos of current employees on its Facebook page, the company has recruiters and other employees find user groups and join discussions. With Facebook dominating in the social media platform, I believe it has and or already is rivaling against traditional job boards because one, money is time and two, we all know almost everyone has a Facebook page. In June, the application now has nearly 800,000 monthly users, according to, with results like these why would any company waste time to post job post anywhere else?

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